Remember when blogs
were fussily called weblogs
While checking posts from my now defunct KnowIt blog I spotted this mention of MarsEdit 1.0 from 11 December 2004:
Ranchero Software's MarsEdit 1.0
… is a weblog editor for Mac OS X that makes weblog writing like writing email—with spell-checking, drafts, multiple windows, and even AppleScript support.
It works with various weblog systems: Blosxom, Conversant, Manila, Movable Type, Radio UserLand, TypePad, WordPress, and others.
Congratulations must go to Brent Simmons who has released Mars Edit today after a period of thorough development and beta testing. As one of those beta testers I'm thrilled to see this application released today. If you use a Mac and have a Blog then you owe it to yourself to at least test Mars Edit. … I use it every day.
Nearly 2 decades later and I still use MarsEdit every day!

I remember when blogs were called “web logs” 😀Though not a user of MarsEdit anymore, I loved that app.

Oh yes! I still remember hearing someone on the radio explain how he kept a public log of all the web sites he discovered and visited, and thinking “hey, I do the same thing on my web!”

I also remember reading it as "We Blog" or "We Blogs" during that fad. 😂

@gregmoore Hahaha! 😂 Makes me remember when I first saw the word “meme”, I thought it was “meh-meh”, (French-like).

@artkavanagh I had to use computational translation to get that, but you’re right.

I don’t remember when I first used MarsEdit but it was a very long time ago.

@khurtwilliams Good to know it's been around almost 20 years now. It's saved me loads of hair pulling and hundreds, maybe thousands of hours.

@odd @gregmoore During my teaching degree, I once had to attend a lecture on using "mee-mees" in lessons to increase students' engagement (...I think). The fact that this guest lecturer whose field was supposedly social media culture was pronouncing the word that way left me unable to take them seriously... 🙁

@jayeless @odd @gregmoore I was part of a meeting once where a senior teacher of French kept pronouncing resumés (as in CVs) as 'resumes' — the English word for continuing. Drove me batty!

@jayeless Haha 😆 Neither of those speakers would instill much confidence.

@jayeless I can see that. Not a very organic approach. I remember my boss at the time used to have “funny pictures/videos from the web” in presentations for developers, but this mostly predated memes, I think. There were no text on the images.