Recent Replies
@philipbrewer Even our much smaller dogs were quite strong. Have you thought about using an alternative leash, like the Gentle Leader, I think it's called?
@Annie Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look. 😀
@KeyboardMaestro @jabsonik I have a bad habit of choosing the wrong menu item, so now have a KM macro I use via the palette for emptying my Email junk folder. 😆
@jean Nice photo. Glad you were safe.
@cheribaker Love it! It's so cool orca have this fad.
- ∞
@JohnBrady Hah! Good method. Thanks. 😁
@hollie I do a big rewrite beforehand, sometimes breaking cooking steps out into Prep steps and breaking up all the multiline steps into individual numbered steps. Sometimes I go back after cooking and modify further. I'll also include helpful info, like: use the biggest glass bowl, for example.
@cliffordbeshers Very natty!
@hollie I find cooking really throws me. Perfectly capable of forgetting ingredients that are right there in front of me, adding a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon etc. That's one reason I rewrite recipes to spell out the full name of the quantity rather than the abbreviation. Even so, I still routinely mess up.
@anniegreens A friend confirmed it's a juvenile, Barbary dove:
In adults, the iris is red, in contrast to the pale yellow-brown of immature birds. Leg colour also differs, being deep pink in adults, and grey-brown in immatures. [The leg colour thing is puzzling, given the bright pink in my photos…]
@Words That's amazing. Thanks for linking.
@Munish 😁
@jayeless I was attempting to be totally facetious … 🤪 I know she's what, 1 month, 2 months now?
@val Looks good. I like the way you captured a bit of light flare from the bulb. Sets it off nicely.
@jayeless Starting her young at the Library. 😆 When does she get her library card?
@cheribaker Oh, that looks great. Thank you! Maybe next week. 😀
I need to be cautious how much bread I eat otherwise I get indigestion…
@cheribaker Hmm.
@gdp Wow! That's so cool!
@klandwehr I found it fun, especially as new complexities emerge.