• I’ve been promising Fliss, the Japanese Quail, for ages that I’d clean out her run. Today was finally the day. I popped her in the glass recycling bin while I did the work. 🐦

    Before: old stale straw, pine shavings.

    Old straw and brown branches in the quail run.

    After: deep, clean fresh straw, pine shavings and fresh branches for cover.

    Clean fresh straw and shavings.
    Fliss in the straw.
  • It pays to look up. Kōtare | Sacred Kingfisher in a neighbour’s tree. 🐦

    Kingfisher on asmall branch.
  • On today's beach walk I saw a large mussel shell and a couple of oystercatchers. 🐦

    Large open mussel shell on sand.
    A pair of oystercatchers on the beach: one sitting on the sand, one standing on one leg.
    A pair of oystercatchers on the beach, both standing on one leg.
  • This is a very heartening good news story. Take a moment to read this non-fiction comic by Toby Morris : The Side Eye: Anahera, our neighbour. 🐦

    Note: Kiwi is a Māori word. There are very few specific plural forms in Māori, and definitely no plural ’s'.

    Image from the comic  by Toby Morris.

    Image from the comic by Toby Morris.
  • Nope. No Kuaka | Godwits round here. Nope. 🐦

    Two Kuaka Godwits with their heads completely buried in shallow water as they feed.
  • Late afternoon and I was just walking from one room to another when I noticed these (perhaps juvenile) Eastern Rosellas on the flax plants nearby. I love their bright colours. Photographed through the window. 🐦

    Two colourful Eastern Rosellas on flax  spears.
    Two colourful Eastern Rosellas on flax  spears.
    Eastern Rosella on a flax spear.
  • There's always one who's late to the meeting… Pāpango | New Zealand scaup on Lake Puna o te Ora. 🐦

    4 New Zealand scaup on a small lake, with a grouping of 3 facing one another, and one heading towards them.
  • Pukeko at the edge of Lake Puna o te Ora. 🐦

    Pukeko - a blue bird with an orange bill.
  • When I was on the beach yesterday 3 Kakīānau | Black swan flew in and landed on the estuary. Here are two, with a Karoro | Black-backed gull in the background. 🐦

    Two black swans on the estuary with a gull on the sand in the background.
  • I struck a lucky shaft of rising sunlight at the estuary this morning, with this Poaka | Pied Stilt. 🐦

    Pied Stilt - black and white long-legged bird in shallow water lit up gold by the rising sun.
    Pied Stilt - black and white long-legged bird striding forward in shallow water lit up gold by the rising sun.
  • It's been a while since I've posted a photo of Fliss, my one remaining Japanese Quail. 🐦

    Small brown stripey bird in the corner of a wooden box shelter.
  • Today had a visit from our favourite Kōtare | Sacred Kingfisher. 🐦

    Kingfisher on flax  looks ahead.
    Kingfisher on flax looks at camera.
  • A couple of photos from the other day of one of my favourites: the Tūturiwhatu | New Zealand dotterel. On close inspection, I see this one has a yellow band high on its right leg. 🐦

    Dotterel on the beach — side on.
    Dotterel on the beach — other side to camera, head low, beak near a small morsel on the sand.

    These little Tūturiwhatu are only about 25 cm vs 37 for a gull or 15 for a sparrow.

  • Turns out I’ve been wrong for at least 5 days now in my belief that Fliss had stopped laying for the season. Quail only lay when there’s at least 12 hours of sunlight… 🐦

    5 quail eggs under a clump of grass.
  • On the beach this morning was a sizeable flock of Tara | White-fronted Tern. The photo shows about 1/3 of the flock. Nearby was a pair of the much chunkier Taranui | Caspian Tern — I suspect an adult and a youngster. 🐦

    Part of the flock of terns, with sea as backdrop.
    Two of the white-fronted terns in shallow water.
    Two Caspian terns on the beach with sea behind.
  • I write a monthly newsletter for our local community. A kind resident made this wonderful cartoon on an extremely topical and important issue and I've had such a turbulent week I forgot to include it until just after I pressed Send. So annoyed. 🐦

    Recreation and the Wilderness.
    Recreation and the Wilderness.
  • Just out for a stroll. 🐦

    Peihana | Pheasant.

    Pheasant in green grass.
  • And I say again: “Sea levels are rising. We gotta deal with climate change.” 🐦

    Gull in the estuary, leg completely underwater, beak wide open as though shouting.
  • A good read: Borrowed Time (A Cass Raines Mystery Book 2) by Tracy Clark. 🐦

    It could be murder. But why would anyone kill a dying man? Cass’s persistence attracts unwanted attention, putting her life in danger and uncovering sinister secrets she may end up taking to her grave.

    Book cover: Borrowed Time.
  • This is an extreme crop of a photo at nearby Lake Puna o te Ora: two birds shaking, with water droplets spraying around them. The birds are likely Rakiraki | Mallard, with a Kuruwhengi | Australasian shoveler enjoying a quiet moment in the background. 🐦

    Two water birds spraying droplets of water around them.
  • I was just getting nicely lined up on this Makipai | Australian Magpie at the beach — hoping it would sing — when it flew away! 🐦

    Magpie on driftwood.
    Rear view of Magpie as it flies off with wings down.
    View from below the Magpie as it flies off with wings spread.
  • I always enjoy a visit from the Eastern Rosellas. 🐦

    Brightly coloured bird on flax.
  • I saved out half a dozen photos of the Wrybills I watched yesterday, but this one stood out as my favourite. 🐦

    Wrybill with its beak underwater in the sea, looking for food.
  • I haven’t looked through all ~150 photos I took of 3 Ngutuparore, Wrybill at the beach just now, but this shot clearly shows its bill curves to its right. 🐦

    A relatively small pale plover with a long black bill curving to the right

    I initially thought they were Tuturiwhatu, Banded dotterel.

    Small shore bird with bill that curves to its right.
  • RIP my Japanese Quail Glee, which leaves only one now, little Fliss, the striped one. Glee was full of zip, until she wasn't. 🐦

    4 quail eggs, one looking hardboiled and a yellow quail chick.
    Baby Glee hatched on 24 February 2019.
    Glee (and Fliss) on 28 February 2023.
    Glee (and Fliss) on 28 February 2023.
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