Our house hasn't been this clean and tidy since before we moved in. 🤣 Even though we haven't yet finished prepping for sale next month a possible buyer is viewing it today. 🤞🏼

Very nice! Some great views, it looks like. I'm jealous of (what I assume is) that wood stove. I've been wanting to install one at our place, but whew they can be spendy.

@jaheppler That little woodburner warms the place so effectively. And, if we need to, we can cook on it too. Handy in prolonged power outages.

@Miraz oh I'm going to cross fingers that person is your person and you can avoid all the faff of selling.

@Styler Thanks Sue. It's all a bit nerve-wracking, but we'll get there! 😀

good luck Miraz! I thought I was looking at a home interior account when I scrolled past your post. I love that lime green wall — so much zing 💚

sometimes I invite people over just for motivation to deal with the clutter piles (I mean also to hang out w the people… 😬)

@Annie we are exactly the same. Works well getting the kids to tidy up too 🤣

@danielpunkass It's been a great place to live. We'll miss the views.

@jaheppler ditto! Almost bought one in 2020. We loved the house, but not the neighborhood. But I think about that wood stove regularly.