I really recommend this book, on sale today: US$3.10. It's good for all adults, not just us older folks. Thriving Beyond Fifty (Expanded Edition): 111 Natural Strategies to Restore Your Mobility, Avoid Surgery and Stay Off Pain Pills for Good by Will Harlow. 📚
I'm 66% through, and it's superb!

this looks very interesting. I wonder what it has inspired you to do that you weren't already doing?

I exercise almost every day, and I'm not 50 yet, but I'm getting there. Learning the exercises in the book now, so I know how to do them later in life, seems like a good idea - and the price makes it an excellent idea. Thanks for the recommendation!

@writingslowly I've been watching his numerous videos and tweaking my weights routine to go with his recommendations. Although he uses clickbait titles his videos are excellent for suggesting and demonstrating science-based exercise routines for both general health but also dealing with specific physical problems. The book is an excellent backup (and standalone source) to those videos.

I just watched one of Will’s videos on YouTube and was surprised, and happy to hear his English accent. I am so used to a North American accent online these days - unless I am watching cricket 😄
As someone who is not good at prioritizing exercise, and who has now passed the 60 threshold, I’ll grab this offer. Thank you for mentioning it.

@crossingthethreshold I really like that he's so sensible about it all. He suggests realistic programmes, such as twice a week, and uses what's to hand like a towel or a backpack with books in rather than sending people off to buy specific gear. Enjoy!

That looks really good. I've prefer paper copies of books like this, so I've added to my list to check out in the store next time I go. Thank you!

Thanks for your reply - I'll check out some of his videos, since my weights routine needs a revamp!