By some miracle Deb achieved a same day doctor appointment. Bronchitis confirmed; drugs acquired.

I’m happy to hear that Deb got a prompt appointment and diagnosis. Wishing her a swift recovery.

@crossingthethreshold Thanks. She's already a heap better. Those drugs really help.

@val Indeed. The initial suggestion was the now standard 6 week wait for an appointment…

Sounds good! It’s an annoying sickness, (and untreated it can be much worse). I had bronchitis several times as a teenager, and once I actually switched from snus to cigarettes to get bronchitis(!), so that I was able to quit smoking (and therefore also snusing). ❤️🩹

@cheribaker Thanks. Once she mentioned frequent use of her asthma inhaler things moved along. The drugs started working right away, thank goodness! Our health system is so degraded it's very hard to get to see a doctor quickly.

@odd The doctor said the 7 days she'd been sick was the magic number for getting treatment. Bit of a drastic action on your part. I hope it was worth it.

I stayed off tobacco for the entire summer break, but still unsure. Knock on wood, haven’t had bronchitis since. But I still use tobacco. 😔

@odd Luckily I've never had that habit to kick, but I've heard it's very hard. Well done with what you've achieved.

@cheribaker Our problems are similar: too few medical staff trying to do too much work. We have a national Healthline we can turn to for virtual assistance, and these days we're being encouraged to talk to pharmacists for certain smaller problems. All in all though the system is a mess right now.