The supermarket carpark was surprisingly busy for its 7 am opening time.

@alexandra Or maybe just early birds (like me) on their way home from night shift or heading in to work. 😀 I just wanted to get a jump start on my day.
I love simplicity and silence. I enjoy taking photos of birds. I live at Waikawa Beach in New Zealand, and strive to be an actively decent human being. In 2025 I expect to move to Ruakākā near Whangārei. Apparently the bizarre is normal now. Now 70, I'm super happy to be getting old — it means I'm not dead yet! Proudly a Free Being, eschewing the arbitrary. 100% human (she / her). I joined the MB community on 05 January 2018. Follow me on Micro.Blog at .
The supermarket carpark was surprisingly busy for its 7 am opening time.
@alexandra Or maybe just early birds (like me) on their way home from night shift or heading in to work. 😀 I just wanted to get a jump start on my day.