My body didn’t want to do this new strength routine today, but willpower prevailed (in the end). I haven’t done the shoulder press or lateral raise before, and they were hard. I went with 1 Kg weights for those two.

  • Weekly Muscle Gain Exercise Routine for Ages 50+

    • legs: quads and glutes — goblet squat

    • back of legs: hamstrings, glutes and lower back — (6"34") romanian deadlift

    • back and arms: — (7'56") dumbbell row — one hand on back of chair, one leg forward, one dumbbell — pull dumbbell straight up

    • shoulders, triceps: dumbbell shoulder press — (10'21") sit on chair, raise dumbbells from shoulder to touch above head

    • shoulders: seated lateral raise — (11'30") sit on the edge of a chair, dumbbell in each hand, bring out to the side just above shoulder height, and down

    • (12'55") bicep curl — seated, hands by sides, twist dumbbell as it comes up

    • chest muscles, pectorals, triceps: (14'18") lying chest press — lie down, legs bent, feet near bum, arms out to the sides, forearms at right angles to the ground, lift straight up

    • (15'51") calf raise on step — stand on edge of step with heels free, dumbbell in one hand, support weight on hand against wall, either two legs: raise and drop heels or one leg: raise one leg out of the way and raise and lower the other