Something special happened last night. There I was lying with my eyes open hoping sleep would capture me. I could see a couple of stars through my west-facing window and put my glasses on to identify them. Orion was sinking.
Then a small brief snowball
shot down from above. Fireball, I reckon. ☄️

@alexink Drat! Too tired to think of that! It felt like a Good Thing though. 😀 (I'm neither religious nor superstitious but am happy to accept a fireball 'blessing'.)

@Miraz Yeah, those big ones can be quite a sight! Back when I was out most nights at my telescope I was lucky enough to see a few.

it would have never occurred to me that you see Orion. 'Up' here in the UK it's very visible, sometimes high in the night sky. I'm going to have to look into how the stars track in relation to earth. Cool that you saw a fireball 🙂

@strandlines In this hemisphere Orion stands on his head — his sword points upwards!