Special Moments from 2023
I don't usually go in for yearly roundup posts but there were a lot of Special Moments
in 2023. I did a bunch of stuff on behalf of the community, spent a lot of time taking photos of and learning about birds, bought some new gear that has proved useful, did a bit of travel, some people stuff, a few firsts, and Sasha the 16.5 year old dog passed in March.
Community work
- Set up Waikawa News (hosted at Micro.Blog) — a development from previous sites with a different focus
- wrote 227 Waikawa News posts
- received a $100 grant from Horowhenua District Council towards Waikawa News costs
- helped plant spinifex on the beach
- communicated with Horowhenua District Council about local beach issues; gave a 5 minute presentation before a meeting where decisions about vehicle access were made
- did a lot of research on the topic of vehicles on beaches, especially Waikawa Beach and especially a petition from some in the community to run a vehicle track to the beach in an ecologically sensitive area near where we live
- did a lot of research and communicated with a small group of like-minded folks about troublesome motorbikes on the beach; met with a Horowhenua District Councillor about the problem
- gave feedback and suggestions to Horowhenua District Council about some of their Comms (the Meetings and Agendas web page) and was gratified to see changes implemented
- watched many Horowhenua District Council meetings and workshops online or in person
Bought (or sold)
- Artisan Stand Mixer
- Electrolux Ergorapido Hand Vacuum
- Deejo Astro tattooed pocketknife
- EV: MG4 Essence 64
- EVNex charger for EV
- Nikon Monarch 7 8x42 binoculars
- Fujifilm X-T5 camera
- sold Ōtaki rental property in May 2023
Pets and wildlife
- All year: Willow the dog visited frequently and even stayed overnight or I just took her for walks as her mums dealt with various severe health issues
- January: Saw an Australasian Bittern for myself
- February: 1 year since Oshi the dog died
- March: Glee the Japanese Quail died
- March: Sasha the dog had her last day
- June: saw Snow Leopards at Wellington Zoo
- November: saw an unusual visitor to Waikawa Beach: a Glossy Ibis
- November: spotted a new bird at Waikawa Beach: a black-fronted dotterel
- December: kept an eye on various baby birds on the beach: Pied Stilts and Variable Oystercatchers
- worked out a solstice based calendar because 01 January is such an arbitrary date for a new year — 21 June 2022 (at 2113) was Day 0
- worked through a really useful course course: Mastering the Fujifilm Autofocus System
- regular brunches with a good friend
- 15 February 2023: a 6.1 quake got me out of the house
- 17 April 2023: Start of 4 weeks plus really sick, not Covid, probably flu
- 12 May 2023: first almost-frost of the season (the frosts kept coming till mid-November)
- gave a presentation about MarsEdit for Micro Camp on 21 May 2023
- 11 June 2023: went for a midwinter dip in the sea
- 16 June 2023: ran Starry Time, a 30 minute time on the beach with whoever turned up looking and talking about the night sky; other Starry Time events later in the year were cancelled for weather
- June 2023 made a 2300 Km car trip to Cape Reinga and return, visiting friends along the way
- June 2023: started regular massages with Natalie Waddell, a superb massage therapist
- 18 July 2023: saw the Starlink satellite train of maybe 30 or 50 satellites — an amazing sight, though I know the problems these and other satellites are creating for astronomy and humans in general
- July 2023: watched FIFA Women’s World Cup NZL (1) v Nor (0) on TV — a first for me to watch sport
- August 2023: a week long Samoa holiday with friends
- snorkeled at Palolo Deep Marine Reserve in Samoa
- called in at a wonderful cafe in Apia called Rivaiv — I had a fabulous teriyaki chicken bowl
- October 2023: visited New Plymouth overnight with Deb for our 30th anniversary
- 02 November 2023: arrived home from errands to find a HUGE controlled burn-off almost next door where the forestry block had been felled
- received a very generous Amazon gift voucher from a friend
- looked after Deb who had a medical emergency resulting in 7 days in hospital in Palmerston North. (She's fine now.)
- December: heard from my cousin in England after a few years of no replies to my emails — I'd thought he must have died
- tried cooking assorted new and some older recipes
- tried assorted delicious green, white and yellow teas
- wrote 914 posts on https://miraz.me
- all year: loved participating in the Micro.Blog community, reading about other people's lives, looking at numerous gorgeous photos, exchanging comments, building friendships with people who live far away

I wonder what 2024 will bring?