Before and after: I cut down a couple of lupin bushes that were intruding on one of the tracks to the beach. It was a gorgeous day for it.

Why did you decide you didn't want the yellow flowers to be there? Ron

@Ron The yellow flowers are on lupin bushes that are a weed around here. Those particular bushes were blocking or impeding or about to impede foot traffic along the path to the sea.

I see. Here in our neighborhood in the Midwest, the dandelions are thick all over the yards in the spring. Everyone just mows them down with the grass. After a few mowings the dandelions give up and we are left with green lawns.

@Ron That's handy. Lupins don't give up so easily and the bushes are quite woody.

Transportation Department planted Lupins along parts of the road network in Norway, I think it was to keep motorists from being bored to death by the monotony of the green grass and trees, but now they are considered a pest here as well, (although I find they have quite beautiful colours).

@odd They look lovely, yes, but they're taking over. And, they give me terrible allergies when they bloom (now). Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, headaches, tiredness. It's peaking right now. Sigh.