Last year I decided my personal year would run from (my) Winter Solstice to (my) Winter Solstice (as nature intended). That makes today New Year’s Eve. I actually have a resolution for the New Year: to do some stretches every day. I’m far too stiff and creaky.

that's an interesting idea. Yours, or where did you get the idea?

@jtr It came to me last year as I thought about how the whole northern hemisphere calendar doesn't work for those of us in the south. The new year should begin as the darkest days are over and we head towards spring and growth etc. For us that's late-June not late-December. Also, actually, for Māori the new year starts around about now (in a couple of weeks) as they always had a sensible calendar.

I love having my brain expand first thing in the morning. Makes me more aware of how self-centered we are over here, especially in the US (though originally I'm not from here). Of course the calendar here doesn't make sense (there's a whole thing about the new year and Christianity and all of that I'm not going to get into), and your system (and the Māori's system) does. I like this a lot.