This morning we had the first frost of the season, and there was snow on the high tops of the Tararua range too. Winter is nearby.

Just as we are entering Summer. Maybe not so strange, as the two of us are, I almost wrote bipolar, but it’s a name for it like that. I found out from a website which city was the farthest away from Oslo, and I believe it was Wellington.
UPDATE: I meant Antipodes.

@odd When I was a kid, I used to ask my dad where was the exact point on Earth furthest away from us here in Melbourne, and he ALWAYS gave the prompt response, "Norway"! 😆 I think in reality it's the middle of the North Atlantic, but I guess that's less satisfying an answer for a kid. I'm pretty sure Aotearoa/NZ is, indeed, antipodal to Western Europe 🙂

@maique Oh I’ll have to tell my sister this one. She lives in Auckland.

@maique @odd Thank you. I just tried it for Maui and the antipodes is somewhere in Botswana.

@cliffordbeshers No, I like Liverpool, the city and the FC. I don’t have anything against The Beatles really, it’s just that their music isn’t really for me.

@odd Interesting, but I was really just making a pun. Clearly not a funny one.

@cliffordbeshers I think it’s me that aren’t clever enough, I’m afraid… The pun was probably ok.

@odd @cliffordbeshers I think your English is so good, Odd, that we forget it's not your first language. That pun was a bit of a stretch… 😀

@odd I agree with the first part, and take umbrage at the second.