Whew, it took 8.5 episodes of hogwash and bunkum but finally Picard S03 is at a place where I’m not just waiting for the whole thing to be over. (It’s Trek so I keep watching…) Boomers vs whatever the current Gen are FTW. Still hoping Admiral Janeway will swoop in and save the day.

I have been watching reluctantly. Season 2 really burned me. I did not like it, and since TNG isn't my beloved series, I couldn't get much energy going to watch Season 3. I too hope Janeway swoops in. At least she got mentioned. Did you watch Prodigy? I loved the ending of that.

I haven’t gotten to the latest episode yet, but I feel like I am going to finish out this season (as I have every season of all this new run of Trek shows) shouting “WHERE IS SISKO?!” at my TV.

@alexandra I'm no fan of the horror genre and there was lots of dark weird stuff in S3 so that was a downer for me.

@petebrown Heh, fair enough. I was never a huge fan of Sisko myself.

@jean I haven't had the opportunity to see Prodigy yet. Hoping one of the services I can get will offer it.

@alexandra I know a fair few folks on Micro.Blog have been really positive about the show and I was a bit reluctant to state my contrary opinion. (It feels a bit aggressive when everyone else seems to love it, but it was just my honest response.) I'll be interested to hear your reaction.

lol and I feel kinda the same way about Voyager. I love that Trek has something for everyone

@petebrown Indeed! I did also realise that there's one universe I never talk about that lots of folks love. I dislike it though so have nothing to say because I don't watch it. OTOH I'm a fan of Star Trek so when one show disappoints I do have an opinion to offer. To each their own. 😀