A wee shake just to keep us on our toes. 〰️
M4.6, 46 Km deep.
Update: later settled at M4.8, 28 Km deep.

Sometimes I wish that I get to experience a slightly large earthquake (nothing dangerous !!!) so I just can better understand how it feels. I think we have one of the oldest and most stable areas in the world so we very rarely experience an earthquake. I think I've experienced three in my life and that have all been below 3.6 (if I remember correctly) and the strongest one was just like a big truck drove by (although under our house).

Until I followed you, I was ignorant of just how active New Zealand’s earthquakes really are.

@gregmoore Yup, we're in a very shaky place. I don't mention on my blog all the quakes that pass through. Of course, most are tiny, a few shake a bit and one or two get the heart racing.

@jemostrom One thing about quakes is they're all different. I recall one that sounded like a train was going through our kitchen. One time in Wellington it felt as though the house had been lifted up, moved in a kind of circle (not spun around though) and put down. The big one here last week started with a huge cracking sound. Sometimes they're just little. Other times they start small and then get bigger. No two alike.

interesting, I had no idea. This is things that nobody is telling us!