Whew, I passed the squirrel test. We don’t have squirrels in Aotearoa New Zealand.

I guess that top square that I only noticed when resizing the screenshot was a clue…

Interesting! That means your bird feeders actually function as bird feeders. My bird feeder here is primarily a squirrel feeder and sometimes feeds a fewBirds. 😄

Would you like some? Local residents are now immune to capsasin (red hot pepper) and are stuffing themselves on suet meant for birds.

@parag LOL. Actually, since bits drop out of the bird feeder when they eat it's quite possible we also feed rats and mice, and perhaps insects…

@Medievalist Heh. I suspect our biosecurity border controls would send them right back to you! 😆

They won’t let me graduate to squirrel until they’ve exhausted all traffic lights in the US