The Taranaki Falls Track is a 6 Km loop on the slopes of Mt Ruapehu. It passes through both native forest and open land. The Falls spill through solid rock. Snow-topped mountains Ruapehu and neighbour Ngauruhoe appear of course, but also Taranaki, closer to home. And more fungi!

Brown fungus with pointy cone on Taranaki Falls track near Whakapapa.
Dark fungi on a rotten log on Taranaki Falls track near Whakapapa.
Dark fungi on a rotten log from beneath on Taranaki Falls track near Whakapapa  1
Snowy top of Mt Ngauruhoe above open scrub at the top of the track.
Taranaki Falls thunder through solid rock.
The very pointed snowy cone of Mt Taranaki from Taranaki Falls track.
Toilets at the top of Taranaki Falls track, with the snowy top of Mt Ruapehu behind and open scrub land around.
Board walk through native forest.
Trees and shrubs in greens and yellow beside the track.
Steps just above Taranaki Falls.