Last weekend I visited Tongariro National Park to do some short walks. The winter weather was very obliging and I had a wonderful time. My favourite was the Silica Rapids Walk, even though it was a bit misty / drizzly from time to time. If I could only do one walk in that area it would be that one.

I stayed at Riversong Retreat in Horopito. It was very comfortable and the hosts were friendly, helpful and relaxed.

One thing: it’s winter and maybe that makes a difference, but I was hoping to see and maybe take photos of lots of birds. I saw and heard very few birds. Most of the walks were silent. On the other hand, I saw quite a few and diverse fungi.

Saturday 02 July 2022

At Lake Rotokura near Ohakune, Mt Ruapehu in the background.

Sunday 03 July 2022

  • Silica Rapids Track — 6.8 Km (started at the bottom, went to the rapids and returned, rather than walking the loop)

    Silica Rapids with its yellow rocks.

  • Tawhai Falls Track — 1.0 Km

    Tawhai Falls go over rocks into a blue green pool.

  • Mounds Walk — 0.38 Km return

    Scrubby flat landscape from Mounds Walk Track.

Monday 04 July 2022

Tuesday 05 July 2022

Map of the area with locations marked.