Oshi 🐶 update: he didn’t improve since yesterday’s vet visit. Now he’s at the vet for an overnight stay with monitoring, tests, fluids etc. A very unhappy boy. We fear the worst. Photo: he spent most of yesterday asleep.

@Portufraise Thanks. He's old and one day he won't come home from such a visit…

having had many dogs and two currently i know how difficult it is when they are not well… hang in there… hope the Vet figures it out…

@mbkriegh Thank you. Yes, like you, we've been through this many times now with a previous dog and several cats. This will also come for Oshi's sister sometime…

😔 Get well soon, Oshi! (also I know he is a sad boy in the picture, but wow, his ear and tail fur looks so regal!)

@val Thanks Val. When he's all freshly groomed and standing proud the ears and tail are magnificent. 😀

I'm sorry to hear. It sounds like he's getting great care, but it's so hard to see our fur-sibs struggle.

Aww no, those are not good signs 😔 Sincerely hoping he turns the corner.

Thanks for all the good wishes for Oshi 🐶. An update from the vet: no test results back yet but Oshi is a] getting lots of attention (he loves that) from staff etc; b] pretty relaxed while he's enjoying methodone / fentanyl in a drip. I watch TV shows — I know those are the good drugs. 😆

Aw, hope Oshi gets rest and feels better, offering comforting pets from across the globe and sending my best.

I’m sorry to hear this. Sending much love and hoping that Oshi feels brighter in the morning.

Sigh! I hate seeing dogs age. Given their lifetimes, we have to see this multiple times in our lifetime.