We seem to have our very own house Sparrow. This little cutie likes to sit on the railing outside the east door to our deck from the lounge and either keep an eye on us or just enjoy the view.

@JMaxB They're obviously very successful in a huge variety of environments. I suspect they're nesting in either our gutter or our roof. 😒

Nice shots! We have house sparrows very much like that one all over the city, but they don't have that black stripe on the throat.

@Cheri 😀 I guess since they've colonised the world they've developed some local variants…

@Cheri Oh, and I'm so lucky I can just sit in my usual chair, pick up my camera and click. 😆

@JMaxB ironically they are in decline in the UK. I enjoy listening to them chatter in the hedges. House Sparrow Population Trends - The RSPB

That is a cutie, indeed! I love the idea of a bird just chilling and enjoying a beautiful view 😆