Another excellent Aussie movie. Rams:
Two estranged brothers… raise separate flocks of sheep descended from their family’s prized bloodline. … A rare and lethal illness [leads to] a purge of every sheep in the valley.
Can the flock, family and community be saved?

@macgenie Me too. A great homegrown talent. Trigger warning though for bushfires. If you have the option you may also want to get subtitles — there were a few quieter bits I didn't quite catch. Very Australian humour (and to some extent Kiwi).

@macgenie I saw the Icelandic film of the same name. From the plot it sounds as if the NZ version is a remake of sorts? The Icelandic film was great, but quite dark in places.

@bsag @macgenie Yes, the film is a re-imagining of the Icelandic one (that I haven't seen). There were also dark moments in the Aussie one: the bush fires, the brothers not talking for 40 years, some scary events.