Deb’s no longer using my old 2012 MacBook Pro, so last night I wiped it, installed Catalina 10.15.7 via Internet Recovery, and am setting it up to handle Arduino electronics kit stuff. Don’t need email or any extras. It’s so exciting to be setting up this ‘new’ computer. 👩🏽💻

if it wasnt' so much work to re-create my working environment I would wipe my iMac and do a clean install. I keep thinking there mus tbe lots of kruft after 7 years of macOS upgrades.

My main (traditional) computer is the exact same. (I count my iPhone as my main computer). If I only could start saving for a new MBP… 💸

@khurtwilliams Not to mention software you've tried out then deleted which leaves crud all over the place. But yes, there’s a ton of work in getting all the settings just so…

@poetalegre It is actually. Reminds me of when I used to do Mac stuff for a living and couldn't believe people would pay me to have so much fun. (The shine wore off after quite a few years.)

I manage ok, except there’s always something, so saving up isn’t that easy. But a “krone”(crown) here, and a krone there, and voila! 🤑 I will get that MBP, eventually.

I love using my Mac and learning new things. I would bring my iPad to work for use during breaks, and now that I have time the Mac feels more powerful and just fun.

@poetalegre Glad to hear it! While I use and love both my iPhone and iPad neither for me is anywhere near capable of being a replacement for my Mac.