Xena: Warrior Princess was filmed in NZ, for a US audience. One effect was that the sun rose or set in the ‘wrong’ direction (in the many speeded up rise / set sequences). And it would always astonish me, just a little.
Like the LtoR sun on the Solar Dial Apple Watch face…

Indeed, thanks @bsag, whom I normally read for emacs and other geekery! I appreciate your thoughtful post on that face.

@yorrike Yes, it's weird. I can understand the sun on the watch face is going clockwise, which seems perfectly OK, but left to right is just wrong.

On a brief stop off in Australia on the way to somewhere else years ago, I found myself disoriented and walking 180 deg in the wrong direction. Sub-consciously, I was using the sun as a compass, but it was calibrated for the other hemisphere. Friends from NZ have had the same problem coming here.

@bsag It has never struck me that this is the case down there! I guess I’d boldly go 180° wrong too.

@alans Apple should make more of it I think. It’s the perfect face for our times.

@odd It’s weird how you are not even aware of using the sun in that way until it trips you up completely!