Well, the klaxon sound blaring from my phone just before 7 a.m. certainly took me by surprise.
Today most of Aotearoa New Zealand moves back to Covid-19 Alert Level 2 because after 102 days of relaxation we have 4 new cases of unknown origin. 🦠

@yorrike I'm sure we will. I'm hoping they find a previously ‘hidden' connection to a case at the border. Apart from maybe more difficulty at the supermarket it doesn't really affect me personally.

Sorry to hear about this. We're rooting for you on this side of the ditch. Such a success story in NZ that even in Stage 4 restricted Melbourne, this news was brought up twice during morning meetings.

Your government’s response continues to be impressive. I hope they’re able to lock down the spread quickly.

@lmika Gosh! They have been warning us not to be complacent, but we were complacent anyway…

@Cheri They're doing a great job! One worry is we have a general election in 5 weeks and this could affect that!