And finally, after something like 32 hours of preparing to copy the backup from one drive to another, then copying about 750GB out of 950GB, I got an error message and copying ceased. 😫 I seem to have backups from February 2020 to March 2020… ‼️

When this has happened to me it have been some of the hidden "system" files at the root level of a disk

I would have tackled this task by copying folders by folders.... or small group of folders.

The Finder is great for normal, everyday filing, but it really stinks when it comes to huge file transfers, especially over the network. I hope you sort through the problems and get your task done.

@mjdescy Thanks. That was two hard drives plugged directly into my MacBook Pro (which was very inconvenient in terms of using it on my lap).

@numericcitizen I just followed along on the directions on Apple's support site… 😀

@jemostrom I have a dim memory of authorising something hours before that error appeared. You're probably right.