I watched Batwoman, reluctantly, because of Ruby Rose. The show was too dark and gruesome for my taste. So I’m partly sad and partly relieved that Ruby Rose Is Done With Being Batwoman Now. I liked that Batwoman was a gorgeous lesbian hero. Didn’t care for the cruelty. Photo. 🌈

Well, this is unexpected. I can’t imagine the show would be worth watching without her. Having had time to digest the news, I have mixed feelings similar to yours: on the one hand relief that I can happily stop watching now; on the other, annoyance that there’s no reason to continue watching if I had wanted to. I hadn’t heard any of the external context (Twitter pile-ons etc), and started to watch just by chance when I saw it in the schedule.

@artkavanagh I was excited beforehand about Batwoman but didn’t realise it would be so dark and so disturbing. I hope Ruby Rose goes off to another, lighter, show.