I deliberately try to follow diverse people on Micro.Blog. Occasionally I unfollow someone if I find their posts just don't really interest me. Unfortunately, on scanning the list of 350+ people I follow I'd estimate half or more aren't actually active. 😒

I aim to find people from other countries, provided I have some kind of hope of understanding what they're writing about — that's just a language issue. The Discover feed is a great source for finding people.

Photos of dogs, cats, landscapes are highly likely to 'hook' me. I also try to follow any women on Micro.Blog.

I currently follow people who are in or seem to be from these countries and who seem to still be active:

  1. New Zealand (of course)
  2. Australia
  3. Austria
  4. Brazil (added 27-Nov-20)
  5. Canada
  6. Denmark
  7. England
  8. Finland
  9. France
  10. Germany
  11. Iceland
  12. India
  13. Ireland (added 26-Nov-20)
  14. Italy (added 04-Jan-20)
  15. Mexico
  16. Netherlands
  17. Norway
  18. Philippines (added 26-Nov-20)
  19. Poland (added 26-Nov-20)
  20. Portugal (added 26-Nov-20)
  21. Puerto Rico
  22. Scotland
  23. Sweden
  24. Switzerland
  25. Turkey
  26. USA
  27. Vietnam (added 27-Nov-20)

This list of countries may not be utterly accurate — sometimes it's my best guess. There may be others I follow where I just don't know where they live. I must say, 19 countries is a pretty pleasing number.

Update 19-Dec-19: added India, so now 20 countries.

Update 26-Nov-20: I checked my list and added several countries. Note: visit [micro.blog](https://micro.blog/)[name]/following to see the list of follows.