Strathnaver Labour Weekend 2019 BBQ was a hit
[Oops — I posted this to the wrong blog, but will leave it here as well. It was supposed to be over at []( .]
We had about 65 say they'd turn up and I believe well over 50 actually did attend the Strathnaver BBQ on the Sunday afternoon of Labour Day weekend 2019. I know a couple of people were sick on the day. Another dozen or so would have liked to come along but had other commitments.
The weather even managed to be OK — a little breezy, but not too bad and a large toitoi gave good shelter.
Some of the feedback:
A big thank you for a well run arvo much appreciated a great turnout again thanks for the effort I know folk enjoyed.
Thank you and the team for a really enjoyable afternoon yesterday! So well organised, yummy food/salads etc and a great way to get to know/keep in touch with others. ☀🏖
Just wondering if anyone may have mentioned if it could be an annual occasion - but all BYO to make it easy on everyone! People may be interested in this?
it was great to meet up with a few new people. Thanks so much for organising it, such a lovely idea!
I didn't realise it would be a feast!
vegan optionson the flier is what made me attend. If that hadn't been on there I probably would have ignored it.
I would personally like to thank all those who helped make the BBQ a great success. It was great to be part of a team:
- Sophie, who organised a great deal on sausages, and who took charge of the menu and did some food prep, as well as offering moral support. The salads were much appreciated. Thanks too to Maurice for assistance with setup and whatnot.
- Helen and Peter who helped get the idea together in the first place, offered moral support, helped with food prep, organised the BBQing and cooked sausages superbly.
- Daniel of Woody's Farm for the superb sausages at a price that allowed for every meat eater to enjoy a couple of sausages. I really liked being able to support a local grower who raises pigs ethically.
- Clive for bringing a BBQ and cooking sausages so willingly and superbly.
- Debra and Stephen Betts for bringing some extra food and handy things and a bin for recycling, for help with carting stuff around and for general assistance.
- Pam and Ian Hoggard for allowing us to use their grassy lake area, and specially Ian for mowing the grass and even filling rabbit holes!
- My partner Deb for moral support and listening to me being endlessly anxious about it all, as well as helping with some food prep and carting stuff around.
- The Horowhenua District Council for the Events grant of $250 that allowed us to break the ice amongst all the neighbours. Everyone I spoke to said such good things about being able to meet everyone. I hope it will lead to folks connecting more with the people around them.
Given that Strathnaver is about 100 properties, spread out along some 4 Km of road, having a gathering is a good way for people to be able to say Hello and have a chat.
We spent only $20 more than the grant allowed, but had a few things left over. I gave apples and juice to John Hewitson as a donation to the Levin Uniting Church's Sunday night dinner. People who go to that dinner can pay $2 per plate, or nothing if even that is beyond them.
I also gave the paper plates and cups, serviettes etc and water to John Hewitson to be used at the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association's summer events for the whole community.
Thank you everyone, and of course, all those who turned up on the day and met the neighbours.
Photos from the BBQ — don't necessarily include everyone who attended.

That’s great; congrats on a job well done!
On a side note, it feels like this is one of those things that used to be common in the past that has fallen by the wayside in recent decades (at least here)—or maybe I’m just no longer in an environment to hear about them? I always used to hear about “block parties” when I was younger, and our street did have a few at that time. We had one a few years ago that everyone really enjoyed, but sadly the main organizer unexpectedly passed away the following year, so that may have gone with her. It’s a great opportunity to bring people together and build social cohesion and humanize each other….

@smokey Thanks so much Smokey. It was great, but I don't want to organise again. I hope others may pick it up. Thanks too for your reply which made me realise I posted to the wrong blog! Aaaargh. I wish it were easier to move a post.

😂 (I hope that’s on @manton’s list of requested features to investigate, as I’ve seen a number of people ask about moving posts between blogs.)

@smokey Yeah, moving posts would be nice. It's a medium-sized feature because to do it right it would need to automatically re-upload photos to the other blog.