My MacBook Pro is about 2 years old now. That means that by 2022 at the latest I’ll want to buy a new one. That could cost around NZ$6,000.

I had $3,000 in mind while I was walking the dogs doing the mental arithmetic that led me to believe I need to save $30 per week for 2 years — quite a stretch in my current circumstances.

Years ago I bought a few shares. That was a big stretch then. It required a minimum amount of $500 or $1000 or something, plus a huge buying fee.

A year or two back though Sharesies started up in New Zealand. (Use that link in the next 30 days and I’ll get $5 to invest.) You can invest in various shares — as little as $5 per time, and buying even partial share amounts. A recent $10 purchase got me 1.8477 shares in the NZ Mid Cap Fund.

I’ve gradually invested several hundred dollars now.

So: since putting money in the bank earns me cents, while some of my shares are giving returns at the moment of 38% (others have made a loss) I’ve realised I can take my chances with shares.

I’m now sending $25 per week to Sharesies where I intend to invest in shares with a good return. In a couple of years I may have enough ‘saved’ to look at buying a new Mac.

Who knows by then what Macs may be like, or how much they’ll cost, but at least I’ll have some options.

Fingers crossed I can continue this regular savings amount. In about 4 months my income will increase substantially when I become eligible for superannuation so that’ll help. New Mac here I come!

Screenshot shwoing costs for a new  MacBook Pro today.Screenshot of several Sharesies investments.