This morning brought me a 40mm S5 Apple Watch with Pride Sport Loop. I’ve decided to call it Hinenui-i-te-pō:
custodian of the threshold between night and day, darkness and light … seen both in the morning with the birth of sunlight, and in the evening with the setting sun.

What a fabulous and appropriate name. And a fine-looking timepiece. (That link appears…partly non-functional?)

@smokey Hmmm, that's a significant government-run website. Downforjustme says it's up, but Safari won’t get even the home page. Nor Chrome. Something's up (or down).

I think Downforjustme checks DNS and HTTP connections; the server seems reachable and running (at least from here—no DNS or HTTP errors), but it’s not returning correct content. I see a white page for the home page; view-source shows a couple of random, poorly-nested div
s from somewhere on the page. Something is surely up—or down!