OK, I’ve decided on a present for myself. I have a big birthday coming up in 5 months. I wanted to get a tattoo, but can’t decide what design I want. Meanwhile a new Apple Watch will decorate my wrist. Hope I can sell the Series 3 I currently wear.

@martinfeld I have one other: a rose on my hip. Dates back almost 35 years. Time for another finally. I’d like a Southern Cross, but apparently that’s been co-opted by racists. 👿

Oh so you’ve had that for a while! Yes, regarding the Southern Cross, I’m not sure about the connotations in New Zealand but you would certainly be branded with certain stereotypes if spotted with that in Australia.

I don’t think there are negative connotations for southern cross imagery in nz. (apart from being on our rubbish flag that is.) 😊

@tones That'd be good. I'd hate for anyone to confuse me with a deliberate racist though. (I have much ism in many areas that I'm trying to unlearn.)

if anyone infers as such for simply liking and showing nz iconography I’d suggest the problem lies with them.

I highly recommend that you listen to Patti Smith sing her song, Beneath the Southern Cross, from her album, Gone Again. It is really gorgeous.
To greet lame The inspired sky Amazed to stumble Where gods get lost Beneath The southern cross

I’m considering a similar present to replace my Series 0. I love the rainbow colours, but I think I’ll go for a red sports band so I’m in keeping to stop buying everything in black.

@yorrike Yes! We need more colour in NZ! I like my watch and phone Space Grey, but really avoid buying black, especially for mid- and outer- clothes. I have the sage green Allbirds. 😀

love the colour choices. @yorrike in the northeast USA it seems grey, black and beige are the de rigeur colours for everything during the wintry months. I have started buy many things in my wife's favourite colour, red.