Came home after dinner out having left the bathroom window open and a light on in the house. Found this large insect on the wall. From the tip of one extremity to the other she was as long as my middle finger from tip to knuckle.

Thanks to @odd who identified it as a Tipuloidea or Cranefly.

@odd Thank you! I'd searched a bit before posting, without success. But I believe the 3rd photo on this page: is indeed what I saw. Ultimately I later saw it on the closed window, opened the window and it left. 😀

@tiffany Aw, it was harmless — just enjoying a spell on nice fresh paint. It left again a bit later. 😀

Disclaimer: this is not zoological advice.Yes, Crane Flies are another family. The crane flies we have here are often near freshwater and are called “Øyenstikkere” (eye-stabbers), which scared me as a kid when I bathed in a pond, and they flew right towards me. 😱 The one I suggested is called “Stankelbein”(Long-legs) and “Myhank” / “Mygghank” (Mygg=Mosquito) in Norwegian. It’s in the mosquito family, but doesn’t suck blood, and it flies slowly. I think they found one in a several thousand years old tomb in Egypt once.

@odd Interesting. That would have been scary, with they eye sticker one!