Ares after a couple of days at the vet hospital for observation— he’s lost 500 grams since last July, and after his sister died unexpectedly I thought he should have a checkup. Possible early kidney or liver problems. I’m not really choking him, just making sure he was facing out. 🐈

@Cheri He is a very fine boy. Really obliging too. Now I aim to help him gain some weight.

I hope he is OK. Something similar happen to the Mirå and it turen out to be hyperthyroidism (if that is the correct translation)

I love how he's giving us a look that says he's really not impressed with us! 😂
I hope he's fine!

@jemostrom Thank you. If he doesn't gain weight there will be more tests. His remaining sibling (who lives with a friend) is being treated for liver / kidney problems.

@rosemaryorchard Thanks. 😀 Apart from apparently not doing well in the protein department, he’s fine.

@jemostrom They’re 17 now. Some physical problems are to be expected.

yes, my cats was 15 & 16 when they died. My mother’s cat seem to be healthy (but cranky 😋) and she is some 17-20 years old.