4 Pied shags, kawau had attitude on the beach this morning. By lucky chance I managed some photos I just love.

Pied shags weigh 1 to 2 Kg, and are about 65 to 85 cm long.

4 Pied shags at the sea’s edge with backs to the camera and a driftwood log in front. 2 Pied shags at the water’s edge facing away from the camera, one with black wings outstretched. 2 Pied shags at the water’s edge, facing the camera, one with wings outstretched and seeming to move towards the camera. 4 Pied shags at the water’s edge, 3 directly facing the camera and looking as though they’re a bit menacing. The other is slightly in the background, facing sideways and seems like the one who doesn’t know what’s going on.