Glee's feathers are coming along nicely. 🐦

Love the quail photos. As someone who’s always loved birds but never raised any,I have to know more. Are you raising the quail for fun or profit? They seem to tolerate you fairly well; are they easy to keep? What does Glee’s future look like? So many questions...

@stumax Thanks so much. You’ve inspired me to find my quail-related posts from my old blog. I think I'll add more info here as a blog post one day soon. Meanwhile… they're pets really. I eat the eggs. They're fairly hardy and pretty easy to keep. If Glee's a female she'll be part of the flock. If not, then I need to figure out what to do. I already have 2 males and have had to separate them thanks to bullying and general ruckus. Expect more info over time. 😀

How cool. We had a family of robins raise a couple of chicks just outside our front door a few years ago. I loved watching them grow up, but the parents weren’t eager to let us get close. (Understandable, but they did build their nest by our door, so...) Looking forward to hearing more about your quail family.

@stumax Well, you've inspired me. I don't have time at the moment to write any decent blog posts, but I have created a stub of a page at my site. 😀