The map mystery
Whenever a Kiwi spots a world map in the background of some News broadcast, our eye is inevitably drawn to the space where New Zealand should be. All too often we're not there! Which is why this 3 minute video is so important. 😎

NZ where the bloody hell are you?
Includes a starring role for our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.

Wow. I’ve never noticed a missing-NZ map before, but that’s bad. (If it were just Americans, I’d argue it’s because our geographic knowledge is terribly, terribly poor, but that doesn’t explain the English and Aussies.)

@smokey Not all maps, for sure. But next time you see a world map on some video somewhere check to see if we're still here. 😎

I will! As a certified map person, I will take up the cause of New Zealand.