A professional operator with his own DJI Inspire v1 drone visited today and took a few photos of our property and the area nearby. I was very lucky that he did this as a favour, so I wasn’t hit with a huge fee. The following 15 second video shows the drone taking off from our yard.

Blair flew the drone at various heights, including the maximum allowed 120 metres.

I was so excited to finally see our area from above (Google Maps is good, but this is better).

We live in a land of lakes around here, with ancient wetlands all up and down this coast. There are two small, privately owned and unnamed lakes at the end of our road, just a few hundred metres away. To our east, behind some trees, is Lake Huritini. To our South is Lake Waiorongomai, and closer to the coast is another privately owned lake.

One photo shows the river mouth where it meets the sea.

I can’t express how excited and happy I am to get these photos.

Centre: private lakes, river mouth, right: village.
Centre: private lakes, river mouth, right: village.
Looking North to the village, about 800 metres away.
Looking North to the village, about 800 metres away.
Lake Huritini about 1 Km away.
Lake Huritini about 1 Km away.
Lake Waiorongomai, about 1 Km away, and private lake closer to the sea.
Lake Waiorongomai, about 1 Km away, and private lake closer to the sea. Kāpiti Island about 20 Km away in the distance.
Mostly our property, with the new dog yard.
Mostly our property, with the new dog yard.