• Rimu Walk and Mangawhero Forest Walk at Ohakune share a common entrance. I enjoyed both. Both are easy walks. On the Forest Walk I came face to face with a Ruru, usually only around at night. No photo of the bird, sadly, only the branch it was sitting on. I was too slow! 🐦

    Rimu Walk and Mangawhero Forest Walk at Ohakune info boards.
    Rimu Walk — a typical part of the easy track amongst trees.
    Rimu Walk — another typical part of the easy track amongst trees.
    There  *was* a ruru on this branch.
  • Side eye. (Kingfisher) 🐦

    Kingfisher on a flax stalk, with head turned to the side.
  • Waxeye stack. 🐦

    4 waxeyes in a row eating at a feeder.
  • This Eastern Rosella announced herself and then stuck around long enough for me to take some photos. 🐦

    Updated with better quality photo.

    Brightly coloured Eastern Rosella parrot on flax.
  • This little Piwakawaka was flitting round me, then landed close enough for me to be able to take a couple of iPhone photos. 🐦

    Fantail on a piece of wood, with tail spread.
    Fantail on a piece of wood, with tail closed.
  • Hmmm, this video by Jan Wegener, mainly about bird photography, had some very useful info: Take SHARPER Images with ANY camera! No More BLURRY Photos! Tips for Success. One useful point — if the bird’s far away the mass of air between bird and camera reduces sharpness. 🐦📷

  • The sun was low behind me; the hawk circling high in front of me. 🐦

    Circling hawk with wings spread and talons extended.
    Circling hawk  with wings high and legs tucked in.
  • A couple of mornings ago I was making breakfast when I noticed the top half of the quail run door was open. I rushed out to check on the two girls, who fortunately were sitting happily minding their own business. I must have left the door open the previous afternoon! 🐦

    Quail run with open door.
    White quail sitting calmly on straw.
    Stripy quail, with slightly out of focus face, standing on straw.
  • I glimpsed this juvenile Kōtare, Sacred Kingfisher through the window, managed a couple of shots and then it took off. I love my 100–400 zoom camera lens. 🐦

    Kōtare juvenile kingfisher on flax.
    Kōtare juvenile kingfisher in flight, with wings flapping down.
  • It’s been a busy Sunday. Among other things, I cleaned out the old straw and sawdust from the quail run and topped up with a fresh coating. The quail were pretty stressed by the activity, but seem happy now, especially since they got an extra helping of dried mealworms. 🐦

    Two small Japanese Quail amongst fresh straw.
  • Mum. Mum. Mum. Mum. Spoonbill parenting…

    Seen at the beach this morning: a juvenile Spoonbill with its parents. 🐦

    Two Spoonbills, in shallow water. A juvenile flaps its wings towards an adult.
    Two Spoonbills, in shallow water. A juvenile flaps its wings towards an adult, while pointing its beak at the adult's head.
    The adult spoonbill seems to feed the juvenile.
    The adult spoonbill has its head by the juvenile.
  • When I didn’t leave quickly enough one of the adult swans warned me off. I left. 🐦

  • I think this little fantail lives in the bushes near our gate. 🐦

    Small bird with fan-shaped tail on a fence wire beside flax bushes.
  • No-one on the lake was very happy about me emerging from behind a bush to take an iPhone photo of the two black swans and their remaining 3 cygnets. 🐦

    On a small lake, black swans with cygnets, adults with necks craned, and a mallard duck flying splashily away.
  • At last! Eastern Rosellas have been taunting me. I’ve heard their chattering at various times recently, then they’d shoot past and my camera was nowhere nearby. Today though, one perched outside my window and my one press of the shutter before it flew away actually worked. 🐦

    Colourful parrot sitting on a flax spear.
  • Toutouwai, North Island Robin at Bushy Park. These little birds are such cuties, and so tame! 🐦

    Small black bird on the forest floor.
    Small black bird on the leafy forest floor.
    Small black bird on a branch with forest behind.
  • The Tīrairaka, New Zealand fantail is a tricky bird to photograph and I’m still on a quest to get excellent photos. It flitters and flutters and is so fast! 🐦

    Small bird with fan-shaped tail, sitting on a fence wire.
    Small bird with fan-shaped tail, sitting on a twig.
    Small bird with fan-shaped tail, sitting on a fence wire.
  • I was trying to take photos of the elusive fantails who were flittering just outside the window. What I did get were these European Goldfinches, with their bright scarlet faces. 🐦

    European goldfinch on a flax flower.
    Two European goldfinches on a flax flower.
  • Striding. 🐦

    Black and white wading bird with legs apart as through striding, head back, reflected perfectly in shallow water at the beach.
  • Skating! This little New Zealand dotterel turns out to be banded, when I zoom in. They’re very small, fast birds: 25 cm and about 150 grams. Perfect on the beach: dark upper and white below so you think you’re just seeing shells on sand — till it moves. 🐦

    NZ Dotterel on wet sand with wings slightly elevated and one foot behind so it seems to be skating.
  • Naughty little House sparrows sitting on the roof (pooping in the gutter that supplies our drinking water). 🐦

    Update: the photo I exported at Medium resolution looked terrible. I’ve replaced it with a better version.

    Two sparrows on the edge of a roof, with blue sky behind.

  • Meanwhile, the Australian coots were having a bit of a dust-up (volume up). 🐦

  • To my delight, this morning’s walk brought me two Kakīānau, Black swans with 4 cygnets, already swimming. 🐦

    Two adult swans with 4 grey cygnets, on a placid lake.

  • Touching. Pied Stilt. 🐦

    Black and white wading bird, reflected, with bills almost touching.
  • This Karoro, Black-backed gull was keeping a close eye on me this morning. 🐦

    Large black and white gull floating on the sea.
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